A Skincare Guide for Mid-South Brides

Welcome to the exciting adventure of planning your dream wedding! We are so happy for you and want to help make it the best day possible. Plastic Surgery Group of Memphis doesn’t want you to overlook one essential element that often takes a back seat amidst the hustle and bustle of finding the perfect venue and selecting the color scheme—your skincare and treatment routine! That’s why we’ve put together a skincare guide for mid-south brides!

Skincare Guide

Allocating a budget to skincare can be just as important as a wedding dress budget and will be your secret weapon in achieving that coveted bridal glow. With the proper routine, you’ll feel confident going into your big day with a complexion that exudes luminosity, resilience, and a natural radiance. Excellent skin prep also helps your wedding photos and makeup to turn out better than you imagined! 

Incorporating a skincare routine into your bridal preparations is not merely a day-of beauty ritual; it’s a transformative experience that can include Hydrafacials, laser services, chemical peels, and injectables like Botox and filler. The benefits extend beyond the surface, enhancing your overall well-being and confidence.

A dedicated skincare regimen can create a positive ripple effect that touches every aspect of your life for months after the ceremony by alleviating stress, promoting relaxation, and boosting self-esteem—everything a confident, glowing bride needs to walk into the next chapter of her life! 

Now, without further ado, let’s check out the services we recommend for flawless skin on your big day!

Skincare Guide

The Consultation: Your First Step in Bridal Skincare 

Nothing sets the foundation for skincare success quite like a comprehensive skincare and aesthetics consultation. The importance of this initial meeting with a skincare and laser provider at the Plastic Surgery Group of Memphis cannot be overstated. It serves as the compass to guide you through the various options available to enhance your skin’s natural beauty. 

As a bride-to-be planning your wedding, it’s essential to consider a personalized skincare routine that aligns with your unique needs and timeline. 

Botox and Fillers: Timeless Elegance 

What Are They?

Botox and fillers are non-surgical cosmetic treatments that target wrinkles and lines. Botox prevents the creation of new and deepening of existing lines and wrinkles by inhibiting muscle contractions to relax the facial muscles. Fillers add volume to smooth the skin, like when you put air in a blow-up mattress. 


Ideally, receive Botox and fillers 3-6 months before your wedding for a natural look that settles perfectly. 

Sciton BBL: Illuminate Your Skin 

What is it? 

Sciton BroadBand Light (BBL) is a non-invasive photo facial treatment that targets pigmentation irregularities, sun damage, and redness. Sciton BBL uses intense pulsed light to stimulate collagen production and reveal a brighter, more even complexion. 


Schedule your Sciton BBL treatments 6-8 months prior to your wedding for optimal results. 

Skincare Guide

Morpheus8 Radiofrequency: Sculpting Elegance 

What is it?

Morpheus8 is a radiofrequency microneedling treatment that tightens skin, reduces wrinkles, and encourages collagen production. 


Plan your Morpheus8 session 3-4 months before your wedding to allow for skin regeneration. 

PRP for Tear Troughs: Glow From Within 

What is it?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a natural treatment that uses your blood’s growth factors to rejuvenate the under-eye area. PRP is injected into the tear troughs to reduce dark circles, naturally boosts the skin’s collagen production, and improves skin texture.


Plan for 2-3 sessions starting 6-8 months before the wedding. 

Skincare Guide

SkinPen Microneedling

What is it?

Microneedling with SkinPen involves tiny needles creating controlled micro-injuries to stimulate collagen and elastin production. The process improves skin texture, reduces fine lines, and enhances overall skin appearance. 


Plan for 3-4 sessions starting 4-6 months before the wedding. 

SkinMedica’s Illuminize Peel: Radiance Redefined 

What is it? 

Illuminize Peel is a gentle chemical peel that exfoliates the outer layer of skin for brightened, rejuvenated skin. It will give you a smoother, more luminous complexion and a radiant glow. 


Receive the Illuminize Peel 2-3 months prior to your wedding for a radiant and refreshed appearance. 

Hydrafacial: Hydration Haven 

What is it? 

Hydrafacial is a non-invasive, hydrating facial treatment that cleanses, exfoliates, and hydrates the skin. You’ll have plump and radiant skin at the end of the multi-step process!


You should get a Hydrafacial 1-2 months before your wedding for a deeply hydrated and glowing complexion. 

Skincare Guide

BioRePeel: Nature’s Rejuvenation 

What is it? 

BioRePeel is a natural, biostimulating peel that revitalizes and renews the skin. Using a blend of acids and botanicals, BioRePeel stimulates collagen and elastin production to enhance skin texture.  


Schedule your BioRePeel treatment 1-2 months before your wedding for a refreshed look on your special day. 

The Perfect Derma Peel: Time-Tested Elegance 

What is it? 

The Perfect Derma Peel is a medical-grade chemical peel that addresses various skin concerns, including pigmentation and fine lines. The peel exfoliates and rejuvenates the skin, promoting a smoother, brighter complexion. 


Plan your Perfect Derma Peel 2-3 months before your wedding for optimal results. 

What Plastic Surgery Services to Avoid Before Your Wedding Day 

Just like there are things you should do before your big day, there are some cosmetic procedures you may want to stay clear of or postpone until after your big day. We suggest avoiding cosmetic surgery procedures like tummy tucks, breast augmentation, or facial rejuvenation surgeries. The body needs time to heal after these procedures, which could affect how you feel on your wedding day. You also risk not fitting in your wedding dress or suit if the surgeries are done after you’ve had alterations made.

Talking with your plastic surgeon or provider well in advance about what is possible is crucial for planning your timeline. However, be prepared to be advised to wait on some procedures. We want you to feel your best on your wedding day, so we would never recommend something we don’t believe could be fully healed in time.

Plastic Surgery Group of Memphis is a Wedding Must-Have!

Remember, a consultation with skincare experts at Plastic Surgery Group of Memphis and our Skincare & Laser Center is crucial to tailoring these treatments to your specific needs. 

To book your bridal skincare consultation, call (901) 761-9030 or click here