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Suction Assisted Lipectomy (SAL), commonly known as liposuction, permanently removes localized excess fat deposits that persist in spite of dieting and exercise. Fluid containing local anesthetic and adrenaline (to decrease bleeding) is instilled through tiny inconspicuous incisions to assist in vacuuming out of the fat. After the procedure and over the next 3-6 months, the skin tightens up around the smaller fat volume.

Liposuction works, however, not everyone is a candidate for it.  Patients who have had multiple children and have loose abdominal skin or stretched out abdominal muscles may be better served with a tummy tuck. Similarly, people who have lost a lot of weight (50-100 pounds) or are older than their mid-forties, are generally not good candidates for the procedure because of stretched out skin and loss of skin elasticity.

Liposuction can be used in conjunction with other body contouring procedures such as better defining the waist along with a tummy tuck. Unfortunately, there are doctors who do only liposuction procedures. As the old saying goes, "if you only have a hammer, everything looks like a nail." Making sure your doctor has more than one tool in his toolbox can provide you with a better overall experience.

It works because we do not make new fat cells after puberty, but if we don't watch what we eat, we can gain weight and make the remaining fat cells bigger.  It is not a weight loss technique, it is a contouring procedure.  The ideal candidates are within sight of their ideal body weight.  That said, even people who are overweight, but have one or two particular areas that are out of proportion, can improve their shape with localized liposuction.

After treatment, patients need to wear a compression garment for 6-8 weeks after procedure to help compress the remaining fat and assist in tightening the skin.  Most people can resume normal activity in a week, but should defer resistance exercises of the treated areas for 6-8 weeks.

Dr. Tavin performs lipo 360, and in select patients, high definition liposuction in Memphis.

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Before and After Photos

44-year-old woman. 5'6", 160 lbs. Had liposuction of abdomen and flanks. 350cc removed from the abdomen and 450cc from each flank. Photos were taken 7 months postoperatively.

*Results may vary and are not guaranteed*

Liposuction Overview | Plastic Surgery Group of Memphis Liposuction Overview | Plastic Surgery Group of Memphis

37-year-old woman. 5'6" 205 lbs. Had liposuction of her abdomen & flanks. Got a total of 1,875cc of fat out. She dropped 1 dress size without a change in weight. Photos taken 6 months postoperative.

*Results may vary and are not guaranteed*

Liposuction Overview | Plastic Surgery Group of Memphis Liposuction Overview | Plastic Surgery Group of Memphis

43-year-old woman.  5'11" 165 lbs.  She had power-assisted liposuction removing 350cc from each flank, and 450cc from her abdomen.

*Results may vary and are not guaranteed*

Liposuction Overview | Plastic Surgery Group of Memphis Liposuction Overview | Plastic Surgery Group of Memphis

46-year-old woman, 5'4" 140 lbs., and has had three children.  Underwent power-assisted liposuction removing 575cc from her abdomen.

*Results may vary and are not guaranteed*

Liposuction Overview | Plastic Surgery Group of Memphis Liposuction Overview | Plastic Surgery Group of Memphis

38-year-old man, 5'10" 225 lbs.  Underwent power-assisted liposuction of his abdomen and flanks removing a total of 1,900cc.

*Results may vary and are not guaranteed*

Before and After Liposuction Before and After Liposuction Before and After Liposuction

59 years old.  5'4", 150 lbs.  Has 2 children.  Underwent liposuction of abdomen and flanks removing a total of 1, 345cc.  Patient lost 25 lbs. postoperatively.  Photos taken 6 months ago.

*Results may vary and are not guaranteed*

Liposuction Procedure | Plastic Surgery Group of Memphis Liposuction Procedure | Plastic Surgery Group of Memphis Liposuction Procedure | Plastic Surgery Group of Memphis

24-year-old woman. 5'4" 165 lbs. No children. She underwent liposuction of her abdomen, flanks, and upper back. Removed a total of 2,250cc of fat.

*Results may vary and are not guaranteed*

Ellis Tavin Liposuction Ellis Tavin Liposuction

42 year old man. 6'0", 160 lbs. He previously lost 45 lbs. Had liposuction of his flanks. Removed 275cc from his left flank, and 225cc from his right. Photos taken 6 months postoperative.

*Results may vary and are not guaranteed*

Ellis Tavin Liposuction Ellis Tavin Liposuction Liposuction Procedure | Plastic Surgery Group of Memphis

40 year old woman. 5'5", 235 lbs. 1 child. Had liposuction her abdomen and flanks. Removed a total 2,240cc of fat. Photos taken 4 months postoperative.

*Results may vary and are not guaranteed*



Before Liposuction  Before LiposuctionBefore Liposuction


After Liposuction After Liposuction After Liposuction

36-year-old woman. 5'7", 175 lbs. 1 child. Underwent liposuction of abdomen, flanks, mons, and lumboscacral pad (lower back). Removed 525cc from abdomen, 400cc from each flank, 75cc form mons, and 30cc from LS pad. Photos taken 8 months postoperative.