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Issues related to the appearance of the front of the neck and the area under the chin arise from excess fat deposits that are usually familial in origin, or from skin laxity secondary to massive weight loss or aging.  In the absence of significant loose skin, fat can be removed with liposuction.  The final results are visible at 6 months once the skin has tightened.

Loose skin in the front of the neck can be tightened by cutting in the hairline behind the ears, lifting and redraping the loose skin, then trimming the excess before sewing up the incisions.  If needed the neck muscles can be tightened as well.  This is referred to as a neck lift and can be done as an independent procedure or as part of a facelift.

In some cases men are willing to accept a direct neck lift, a smaller operation where excess skin (turkey gobbler neck) is removed in the area under the chin and in the front of the neck.  The resultant scar usually blends well with even short beard hairs.

A small chin can create a sense of facial imbalance and make one’s nose appear larger.  Ideally the chin should reach close to an imaginary line dropped from the lower lip.  Insertion of a chin implant can improve chin projection and facial balance.  Implants come in different sizes and can be further trimmed to customize the appearance.  Swelling of the chin and lower lip after surgery can take 1-2 weeks to resolve with the final result apparent at 3 months.  Chin implant surgery can be combined with either liposuction or a face-lift to improve the contour of the front of the neck.

Before and After

Issues related to the appearance of the front of the neck and the area under the chin arise from excess fat deposits that are usually familial in origin, or from skin laxity secondary to massive weight loss or aging. In the absence of significant loose skin, fat can be removed with liposuction. The final results are visible at 6 months once the skin has tightened.

31 year old woman. 5'10, 160 lbs. Had liposuction of her neck removing 25cc of fat. Photos taken 7 months postoperative.


Chin and Neck Contouring Before


Chin and Neck Contouring After

57 year old man. 6', 250 lbs. Had liposuction of his neck 7 years prior, and had excess skin. Underwent T-Z plasty of his neck with touch-up liposuction to his left jowl. 7 months later underwent small office procedure to remove dog ears from the ends of his incision. 16 months after that had another touch-up in the office to improve excess laxity. Final photos taken 6 months after last revision.


Tavin Chin and Neck Before


Tavin Chin and Neck Intermediate


Tavin Chin and Neck After

30 year old woman.  5’6” 135 lbs.  Desired more projection of chin.  Had liposuction of her neck, removing approximately 10cc of fat, and placed Implantech (large) chin implant.  Photos taken 6 months postoperative.
Dr. Tavin Chin and Neck Contouring Dr. Tavin Chin and Neck Contouring
Dr. Tavin Chin and Neck Contouring   Dr. Tavin Chin and Neck Contouring Dr. Tavin Chin and Neck Contouring
35 year old male. Desired more projection on his chin.  It was recommended to him by Orthodontist to have orthognathic surgery to move jaw forward, but he was not willing to undergo procedure.  Underwent liposuction of neck, removing 5cc of fat, and placed Implantech (X-Large) chin implant.  Fat transfer to his chin was discussed, for additional projection, but patient is happy at this time.  Photos taken 6 months postoperative.
Dr. Tavin Chin and Neck Contouring Dr. Tavin Chin and Neck Contouring Dr. Tavin Chin and Neck Contouring
Dr. Tavin Chin and Neck ContouringDr. Tavin Chin and Neck Contouring Dr. Tavin Chin and Neck Contouring
Dr. Tavin Chin and Neck Contouring

69-year-old man. 6', 210 lbs. Desired better contour of his neck. T-Z neck-plasty was performed. Photos taken 6 months postoperative.


Before Neck Contouring Before Neck Contouring Before Neck Contouring


After Neck Contouring After Neck Contouring After Neck Contouring