Arm Lift: Preparation, Procedure, & Results

Everyone wants a toned and tight body that lasts as long as they live, but no one can look like they’re in their 20s forever. Unfortunately, aging takes its toll on the shape and tone of your arms. That saggy skin hanging off the tops of your arms can cause major discomfort and self-consciousness. While diet and exercise can certainly help these issues, “bat wings” are hard to get rid of, and sometimes it takes the help of a skilled surgeon to give you back the definition you once had. Keep reading to learn our tips for arm lift preparation, procedure, and results. 

If you’re considering getting an arm lift, or brachioplasty, you’ve come to the right place. The Plastic Surgery Group of Memphis is here to tell you everything you need to know about your arm lift, from preparation to procedure to results and everything in between. 

Step One: Preparation 

The first step toward getting the toned arms of your dreams is to visit our office for your initial consultation. You’ll meet with one of our experts to review your goals, assess the potential treatment plan, and determine if you’re a good candidate for an arm lift. Once you’ve decided to move forward, we’ll schedule your surgery. 

It’s important to keep in mind that an arm lift is a major surgery that temporarily affects your use of both arms. When preparing for your procedure, you’ll need to make sure that you have several things in order beforehand so that your recovery period is smooth sailing. 

Request Off Work

You’ll be out of commission for a few weeks following an arm lift. You’ll need to focus on caring for yourself during this time, and the best way to do that is to take off two to three weeks of work ahead of time. 

Keep a Friend Nearby

When scheduling an arm lift, be sure to phone a friend or family member, too. You’ll need someone to help you around the house for the first 24-48 hours post-op. 

Prepare Your Space

After surgery, you’ll have limited mobility, so it’s important to prepare your home accordingly ahead of time. It’s a good idea to get lots of comfy pillows and blankets to prop yourself up at night. You should also make sure you have loose-fitting clothing that won’t irritate your sutures. 

Quit Smoking

If you’re a smoker, it’s extremely important to quit smoking several weeks before your surgery. Smoking can pose major risks to your procedure and recovery, so cutting it out can give you and your surgeon peace of mind. 

Step Two: Procedure

On the day of your procedure, we’ll do everything we can to ensure you feel comfortable and confident in the arm lift process. We’ll start the procedure by providing you with general anesthesia to help you sleep throughout the surgery. Then, your PSG plastic surgeon will make an incision along the bottom of your arm at the desired spot from your elbow to your armpit. Next, your surgeon will remove excess fat and skin from this area before reconnecting the tissue, and that’s it, times two! 

We’ll bandage both of your arms and drain any fluid as necessary. You may need to stay in the hospital for monitoring, but you’ll usually only have to stay overnight. 

Step Three: Post-Op

Following your doctor’s post-operative instructions is key to a healthy recovery. The Plastic Surgery Group of Memphis recommends taking ample time to rest – typically up to three weeks. You’ll also need to wear a compression garment for six weeks following surgery to reduce any undue stress on this tissue while it continues to heal. 

Remember, your body has just undergone significant stress to both arms, so don’t rush your recovery! Take the prescribed pain medication to ease discomfort after surgery, avoid lifting heavy objects or exercising, and be sure to get up and move around every few hours to prevent clotting. 

Be sure to call our team with any questions or concerns you have during your recovery period. We are always here to help in any way we can!

Step Four: Results

And now for the moment you’ve been waiting for: your beautiful new results! You should notice a difference immediately after surgery, but remember that swelling and bruising could make it a bit difficult to see at first. Give your body time to heal before deciding how you feel about your arm lift results, and we are sure you’ll love them. One of the best parts of getting an arm lift is that these results are long-lasting and will give you the gift of self-esteem for years to come. 

Now that your arms are swimsuit-ready and tank top-proof, you can get out there and show the world your newfound confidence. 

Arm Lift: Preparation, Procedure, & Results

Find Your Best You at the Plastic Surgery Group of Memphis

Discovering the beautiful body beneath the layers of excess fat and skin is what we do, and we do it well. With years of experience treating Memphis patients, we offer a range of plastic surgery treatment options that will give you a new lease on life. If you’re considering getting an arm lift or other cosmetic procedure, there’s no better place than PSG. Schedule your consultation today to get started!