The demand for cosmetic procedures is stronger than ever, with millions of patients around the world taking advantage of the latest in plastic surgery technology to help them look and feel better. If you’ve been considering plastic surgery of any kind, take a look at the 10 most common plastic surgery procedures below to give you more insight and information on what to expect from the process!
For anyone wishing to improve their appearance, Plastic Surgery Group of Memphis has a wide variety of both surgical and non-surgical options available. Our procedures can tighten and improve the appearance of the skin, adjust facial features, contour your body shape, and much more.
Breast Augmentation
Breast augmentation is one of the most popular plastic surgeries performed in the US. Breast volume can be lost through pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight loss, or aging, while some women never develop very much breast tissue to begin with. Breast enlargement with implants is a readily available procedure with an affordable price point that can enhance the size and shape of a woman’s breasts to better blend with her body shape. It can also help balance out asymmetrical breasts.
There are two primary types of fillers used in breast implants: saline and silicone gel. Saline implants have a silicone shell that is filled with sterile saline. Silicone gel implants have a silicone shell that is filled with a viscous silicone gel. Both implant types are very safe, and each has its own particular benefits!
Many women will feel well enough to return to work, school, and their daily routines after a week or so. Most swelling should subside within four to six weeks, at which point the final results can generally be seen.
Breast Reduction
Excessively large breasts can cause both physical and emotional difficulties for patients. They can also make common physical activities a challenge. During a breast reduction surgery, we remove excess breast fat, glandular tissue, and skin in order to alleviate discomfort and achieve a breast size that is more in proportion with the patient’s body. Breast reduction surgery is one of the few plastic surgeries that insurance will opt to cover as the benefits typically go far beyond an improved appearance.
There are several different surgical techniques that can be used when performing a breast reduction, including liposuction, vertical or “lollipop,” and inverted-T or “anchor.”
The procedure itself is typically outpatient, and most patients are able to drive and return to a desk job within the first week after surgery. Many women will enjoy the final results of a breast reduction within 2-3 months, but may also notice subtle changes for about 6-12 months post-surgery.
Liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure that helps patients achieve a slimmer, more refined look by targeting and removing stubborn fat. This popular body contouring method allows us to re-sculpt specific areas of the body, including the thighs, abdomen, arms, back, hips, buttocks, chest, face, calves, and ankles.
Fat will not return to the treated area after surgery, and as long as a patient’s weight remains stable, liposuction results are long-lasting. However, liposuction does not remove all fat cells, so it is still possible to regain weight. To maintain results, it’s important for patients to stick to a healthy diet and exercise routine!
Patients are generally able to return to work and regular activities as soon as they feel comfortable, which may be just a few days after surgery. Exercise and other strenuous activities should be avoided for at least a few weeks.
Tummy Tuck
Also known as an abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck can be an excellent way to achieve a slimmer, more aesthetically pleasing appearance to the abdominal area. This procedure benefits anyone who has experienced dramatic changes to their body thanks to weight loss, pregnancy, exercise, or even aging.
A mini-tummy tuck helps patients achieve a slimmer, more aesthetically pleasing appearance to the abdominal area.
The classic tummy tuck will address the full length of the abdominal wall, and generally offers the best results for those bothered by any roundness or excess skin folds both above and below the belly button.
An extended tummy tuck improves not only the upper and lower abdomen, but also the flanks. For patients who have lost a significant amount of weight and have excess sagging skin around the front half of the body, or those who have severe laxity in the abdominal muscles following pregnancy, this procedure is often the best choice.
Since a tummy tuck involves surgery on the abdominal muscles, the recovery can take more time than that of other procedures. Most patients are able to return to work and regular activities after 2-4 weeks. Tummy tucks results are meant to last. As long as the patient maintains a healthy weight, they can expect abdominal muscles to remain firm and tight with no excess skin returning.
Breast Lift
Many women have breasts that become pendulous and lose firmness due to pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight fluctuations, genetics, or aging. Patients who want to rejuvenate the look and feel of their sagging breasts are often able to achieve excellent results with this procedure!
During breast lift surgery, surgeons will lift and reshape underlying breast tissue, reposition the nipple and areola, reduce enlarged areolas if necessary, and remove any excess breast skin. The goal is to provide a natural-looking result with minimal scarring. Over the course of a few months, the shape and position of the breasts will gradually settle into place, leaving the patient to enjoy a more rejuvenated and shapely breast appearance with restored firmness.
Most women are able to return to work within two weeks, and resume full physical activity within a month.
Facelifts are one of the most common plastic surgery procedures performed in the United States. Thanks to time and gravity, our faces lose volume, resulting in sagging skin, pronounced wrinkles, and drooping jowls. A facelift works by readjusting facial tissues that have slipped due to aging and gravity, sometimes by removing excess skin, which gives the face a smoother appearance.
A facelift actually isn’t one specific procedure, but rather a group of surgical options that look to remedy a similar set of issues. For example, a traditional facelift, also known as an SMAS facelift, tightens both the skin and the layer of muscle that lies immediately underneath the facial surface. Facelifts are frequently combined with another procedure, like a forehead lift, eyelid shaping, or skin peels, in order to enhance the overall appearance of youth.
Recovery time from a facelift will vary by patient, but as a general rule, noticeable swelling will be reduced by about 10 days after surgery. Most patients able to return to work after two weeks.
More often referred to as a nose job, this procedure reshapes the nose, bringing it into balance with the rest of the face. The overall size of the nose may be reduced, or certain areas of the nose may be refined for a more pleasing appearance. In some cases, breathing can be improved through this surgery as well.
Most patients are able to return to school or work within 3-6 days. Some early settling will be visible after a month or so, but it will take a full year for the real end result to become apparent.
This procedure reshapes the eyelids for cosmetic reasons, or to improve the vision in patients whose eyelids are obstructing their sight. Too much skin in this area or skin that sags can cause vision to be impaired and also contributes to the appearance of aging.
Lower eyelids that have chronic puffiness or wrinkling may also be reduced during this procedure for a more youthful look, along with fat pads under the eyes that cause unsightly “bags.”
Swelling goes down gradually after this procedure has been completed, becoming less noticeable over a span of weeks or sometimes months. However, the actual recovery process should only last about ten days for most patients.
Forehead Lift
This procedure is similar to a facelift, but not quite as involved. A forehead lift pulls the skin of the forehead tighter in order to remove wrinkles and smooth any creases. The eyebrows will also be elevated to provide a more alert and youthful appearance. This is also an excellent option for patients who have deep furrows in between their eyebrows, as these lines are minimized once the brows are raised.
If a forehead lift is performed on its own, recovery will be relatively quick, with most patients able to resume all normal activities within about ten days of surgery. However, recovery can be significantly longer if it is combined with any other facial surgeries.
Male Breast Reduction
Some men suffer from an excessive amount of male breast tissue, a condition known as gynecomastia. Male breast reduction can be a permanent treatment option for most men dealing with large breasts, and the procedure has become increasingly popular in recent years. This is likely because men as a whole are becoming more comfortable with the idea of plastic surgery.
During the procedure, surgeons will typically make an incision around the nipple line so that the resulting scar is barely noticeable. Men who have very large breasts may require a longer surgery with an additional procedure in order to decrease or remove all the excess skin and prevent sagging from occurring.
Most patients are able to return to work within a week, and will resume their normal activities within 2-3 weeks or so.
Find the perfect procedure for you at Plastic Surgery Group of Memphis
For further information on these procedures and the other services we offer, get in touch with our Memphis office to schedule a consultation with one of our many experienced plastic surgeons. We’re committed to providing individualized care and attention to every patient we see, and would be happy to help you find the perfect procedure for your unique needs!