
The size and shape of our nose is the most defining characteristic of our face, and no other feature has a bigger impact on our appearance. Even a slight alteration to the nose can make a tremendous difference in how we look, as well as how we feel about ourselves. Rhinoplasty also referred to as a nose job, nose reshaping, or nasal surgery, is a surgical procedure that involves the reconstruction and shaping of the bone and cartilage in order to enhance the nose. It can also improve the ability to breathe more freely through the nose.

Rhinoplasty is one of the most complicated cosmetic surgeries to perform. The nose performs a critical function that must be balanced with a patient’s desired aesthetic goals. It is important to choose an experienced surgeon when contemplating this procedure. At The Plastic Surgery Group of Memphis, all of our plastic surgeons are qualified and skilled. Our nose reshaping procedure is designed to do one or a combination of the following:

  • Improve a patient’s general appearance by reducing, recontouring, or reshaping the external nose
  • Straighten a previously injured nose
  • Improve a patient’s ability to breathe

Planning a rhinoplasty

Nose reshaping is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures available. Since no two people are alike, patients should not expect to “pick out a nose,” whether by studying other people’s noses or through photographs. However, this type of input can be helpful in giving the surgeon some idea of what the patient prefers and is aiming for with their final rhinoplasty result. While these preferences will always be taken into consideration, patients must trust their plastic surgeon to choose which type, shape, and contour of the nose is possible based on the limitations of their unique facial features. A good plastic surgeon will consider the patient’s entire facial profile when planning nasal surgery.

Who is a good candidate for nose reshaping?

Patients seek nose reshaping surgery for a variety of reasons. Many are looking to alter the size or shape of the nose to improve their appearance, or to make it more harmonious with their other facial features. Others may have suffered an injury such as a broken nose, and wish to correct the damage and restore its previous symmetry and shape. Some patients even look into rhinoplasty with the goal of breathing better or more freely through the nose.

Generally, a patient must reach their full growth before scheduling a nose reshaping, which usually occurs by around the age of fifteen or sixteen, though there may be exceptions made, particularly in cases where the patient’s breathing is severely impaired.

Woman smiling in grass

Before deciding on rhinoplasty, patients may benefit from asking their surgeon if there is any additional recommended surgery that could enhance the appearance of their face, such as chin augmentation or liposuction of the facial area. This can sometimes produce a better balance of features. Additional factors that are important to discuss with a plastic surgeon when contemplating rhinoplasty are:

  • the patient’s skin type
  • the patient’s ethnic background
  • the patient’s age
  • any previous surgery or trauma
  • any history of nasal obstruction or breathing problems

Once a patient has decided to proceed with rhinoplasty, photographs will be taken, and the surgeon will discuss the options available, as well as:

  • the surgeon’s expectations
  • any risks involved in the surgery
  • how the nasal structures (including bone and cartilage) can be sculpted to reshape the nose
  • anesthesia
  • where the surgery will take place
  • costs associated with the nose reshaping procedure
  • what to expect after surgery

The recovery process with nose reshaping surgery

Immediately after surgery, a small splint is placed on the nose to protect it and to keep it stable for at least 5-8 days. Any packing that has been placed inside the nose during surgery will be removed a day or two later. Absorbable sutures are usually used inside the nose, and do not have to be removed. Any external sutures may require removal the week after surgery, at which point any nasal dressings and splints will removed as well.

In the days immediately following surgery, some minor bruising and swelling may occur in the eye area. The face may feel and look puffy, especially within the first 24 hours, and patients may be cautioned against blowing their nose for the first few weeks after surgery, if possible. Cold compresses can help with any swelling and discomfort, and most people will be able to return to school or work within a week.

Patients should be sure to follow their surgeon’s recommendations carefully during the recovery period. Some activities will be limited in the weeks after the procedure, such as sun exposure, over-exertion, and anything that carries a risk of injury. Post-surgery care is vital in order to monitor how a patient is healing from a rhinoplasty, and it is essential that follow-up appointments with the surgeon be kept. Anything unusual should be reported to the surgeon immediately.

Woman smiling with perfect smile and white teeth in a park and looking at camera

Nose reshaping in the Mid-South with The Plastic Surgery Group of Memphis

If you are in the Memphis or surrounding area, and would like to further explore how nose reshaping could change your appearance and increase your self-confidence, repair an injury, or help you breathe more freely, the skilled, board-certified plastic surgeons at The Plastic Surgery Group of Memphis are waiting for your call. Get in touch with our office today, or click here to schedule a consultation. Our talented team is here to help you find the facial symmetry and perfectly shaped nose you have always wanted!